WUHAN September 4th-6th
September 4th TUESDAY Flight  1:30AM-2:30PM *Domesitc flight Arriving in Wuhan airport
  1:00PM-2:00PM *Hotel (check-in)

East Lake Hotel, No. 231 Yaojialing Road,
District, Wuhan

 Press Conference 3:00PM-5:00PM News Conference Press conference to mainstream media group
3:45PM-4:45PM Break Short break in hotel for others delegation member
 Reception 5:30PM-9:00PM Dinner Dinner at Taizi Restaurant
September 5th
Summit Forum 7:50AM-8:30AM *Breakfast  
8:40AM-9:30AM Welcome Remarks Remarks by Hubei Province and Wuhan Governmental officials
Presentation by Gadi Behar
Technology Showcase 9:30AM-11:00AM SV presentation -
Dr. Israel Niv
Stages in Development of a Company and Building business plan for successful business and venture fund raising
11:00AM-12:00PM Hubei Company Presentations Hubei companies presentation followed by a feedback from SV panel
12:00PM-1:30PM Lunch @ summit venue Complimantery
2:00PM-2:50PM SV presentation -
Hagi Schwartz
Structuring budget and forecasting expenditures;
How investment decisions are made
2:50PM-3:40PM SV presentation -
Joseph Bach
Intellectual Property. How to build and maintain an effective portfolio. How to prepare for investors due diligence investigation
3:40PM-4:00PM Networking  
4:00PM-5:00PM Hubei Company Presentations Hubei companies presentation followed by a feedback from SV panel
5:00PM-6:30PM Poster Session and networking Booths/tables with posters, computers, literature for investors to browse; quiet tables for deeper discussions
7:00PM-9:00PM Dinner  
September 6th THURSDAY Technology Showcase  7:50AM-8:50AM *Breakfast  
8:50AM-9:50AM SV presentation -
Raffy Chatav
How Silicom Ventures Helps Start-ups
9:50AM-10:50AM Hubei Company Presentations Hubei companies presentation followed by a feedback from SV panel
10:50AM-11:00AM Break Break and Networking
11:00AM-12:00PM Hubei Company Presentations Hubei companies presentation followed by a feedback from SV panel
12:00PM-1:30PM Lunch Complimantery
1:30PM-3:00PM One-on-one meetings SV teams to have individual tables/rooms, Hubei members to sign up for one-on-one meetings and discussion
Tour and Dinner 3:00PM-7:00PM Tour Yellow Crane Tower
7:30PM-9:30PM Closing ceremony/dinner Closing ceremony, speeches, award presentations, Dinner. Complementary
September 7th FRIDAY   9:00AM *Breakfast  
  11:00am Leave for airport  
Optional Tours Organized in conjunction with this event:

A group of Silicom Ventures (SV) members are leaving SFO on August 31, to arrive in Beijing on September 1 and spend the weekend touring Beijing. We will have organized tours to the Great Wall, Ming Tomb, Summer Palace, Tiananmen, etc. We will also have a dinner/show organized and arrange time for shopping at the Silk Market. The Group leaves Beijing to Wuhan on the morning of Tuesday, September 4.

After the Wuhan program the group will fly to Shanghai (on the morning of Friday, September 7) to spend the weekend in Shanghai, and will fly back to SFO on Sunday, September 9.

Note that expenses for all of the above is the responsibility of each SV member joining these excursions. To participate in both of these extra activities you will need to purchase an outbound ticket from SFO to PEK (Beijing), but return from PVG (Shanghai) to SFO. Such a ticket costs about the same or sometimes even lower than a roundtrip to Beijing.
These extra activities are organized by Joseph Bach. If you would like to join this group or have questions, please contact Joseph Bach at jbach@sughrue.com

*Each participant is responsible for his/her expenses

*All the above is subject to change

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