Dear Members and Guests,
This month was marked by our annual cocktail party. The party was very successful and I would like to thank all of you who attended or helped in bringing it off. For more details on the party please see below.
As you all know the investment climate in the valley has changed dramatically since Silicom Ventures' inception three years ago. These days it is not enough for a company to have a great idea. Investors even in the seed valuation seek more mature companies with at least a working prototype and even prospects for revenue within very short period. Although the deal flow that Silicom Ventures receives is still very high our selection criteria have become more stringent. Since our aim is to bring only companies which have a good probability of raising money from our group and since the number of companies which fit this criterion is smaller, we may in the future bring fewer companies for presentation. To supplement company presentations we will have speakers who will address various relevant issues.
Yours sincerely,
On October 15 we celebrated Silicom Ventures Annual Cocktail, hosted generously by KPMG. We had a great turnout, over 140 participated. We had three distinguished speakers who represented three aspects of the high tech industry: Innovators, investors and entrepreneurs.
Pictures from the party:
Silicom Ventures' schedule of events posted on the website:
Articles from Silicom Ventures' members
is a premier global accounting firm. KPMG launches a new service aimed
at the start -up market called 1Start. |
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Heller Ehrman is a Silicon Valley-based law firm that represents emerging growth and high technology companies. |
Valley Bank provides innovative banking products and services to fast-growth
and middle-market companies in the technology and life science industries
Congratulation to Jacob and Riki Dayan for the wedding of their daughter Karen in Israel.
Congratulations to Rafi Epstein and his wife for the born of their baby boy Yaniv
"I've got the best seat in the house."
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The opinions and analysis included included in this newsletter are based from sources believed to be reliable and in good faith but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness.
Your feedback is welcome. For articles and any information that might interest the group to be posted on the next newsletter, Please contact me at: [email protected]
Tal Behar