New Currencies for the Digital Age

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DATE :  May 29, 2014 @ 3:00PM-4:15PM  ABSTRACT:

Using Bitcoin as a starting point, this seminar will examine the technological kernel behind Bitcoin, the worlds largest cryptocurrency. From there, the discussion will veer to both the economic implications of Bitcoin and decentralized currencies as alternatives to fiat exchange, and the next generation of the decentralized cloud where currency is one of many programmable 'apps'.

VENUE :  Nixon Peabody- 2 Palo Alto Square 3000, Suite 500, El Camino Real
3:00 Networking
3:15 Talk followed by Q&A
4:00 Networking

Prior to joining Innovation Endeavors, Zavain Dar was an early employee at Discovery Engine, a next generation keyword search engine acquired by Twitter. There he engineered Machine Learning and Data Science algorithms across a proprietary distributed systems framework to build web scale Ranking Algorithms. He was also a founder of Fountainhop, one of the first hyper-local social networks. There he worked both on developing the product and overseeing the launch at colleges nationwide in 2010. Zavain attended Stanford University where he holds a B.S. in Symbolic Systems with an emphasis in Mathematical Logic and a M.S. in Theoretical Computer Science.

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